As of April 2nd, 2022 we changed the name of Wilson Community Church to Eastgate Church.

What’s behind the change?

In 2015, we launched a campus in Rocky Mount and called it Eastgate Community Church. We couldn’t very well have a Wilson Community Church in Rocky Mount could we? The plan was to eventually rename our Wilson Campus to Eastgate as well. That time has come.

After 30 years of faithfulness to and through His church, God has given us a vision for the future.

We will be actively collaborating with other Gospel-centered churches in Rocky Mount, Wilson and a third yet-to-be-identified community in Eastern NC, so that every man, woman and child has repeated opportunities to see, hear, and respond to the Gospel.

10 Year Vision

We are taking seriously the accountability God has placed on our church and other Gospel-centered churches in our communities to work together to accomplish this vision. Our responsibility is to sow the seed of the Gospel to our community, inviting them to “Come as you are and be forever changed by the love of Jesus.

When they respond, we will work with other Gospel-centered churches to connect them with a church family. For those God entrusts to our church, we will continue to make disciples of Jesus Christ who have a growing…

  • Heart for God expressed in passionate worship and generous giving.
  • Heart for Each Other expressed in authentic fellowship and devoted discipleship.
  • Heart for Our World expressed in intentional evangelism and sacrificial service.

So on April 2nd, at our Wilson Campus, we held a grand opening service to unveil a new sign on our building and celebrate the completion of our Rise Up journey – formally opening the Gathering Place, new bathrooms, expanded kids ministry spaces for birth thru preschool children, updated lobby and building color.

Our Rocky Mount campus is now known as Eastgate Church Rocky Mount.

Our old website at has merged with our current website and transferred to our permanent domain.

Have questions? Fill out an online connection card and let us know!