I survived it all, until I didn’t

I survived it all, until I didn’t

Wayne Potente shares his story of how God brought him through many trials and what God has for him next.

My church is my family now, and my “yes” is on the table

My church is my family now, and my “yes” is on the table

After struggling with faith for much of his teenage years and into young adulthood, Michael Cain came with his new family to WCC. After getting involved, he realized that church wasn’t an activity – it was a family. Now, after putting his “yes” on the table for God, his faith is being stretched and developed.

When I fully committed to God, he changed my life

When I fully committed to God, he changed my life

Having been brought up in the church and making a commitment to Christ as a young one, college was a time of faith testing for Chris Finch. As an adult, he had to take steps to pursue God to renew his spiritual passion.

How do you build your relationship with God?

How do you build your relationship with God?

When Josh Rollins starting being discipled by a friend, he found someone to walk through life with. He learned about the Bible, how it applied to his life, and most of all he found a lifelong partner in encouragement.

I learned more discipling someone else

I learned more discipling someone else

Jeff Webb was excited to be discipled by someone else, but was initially hesitant to disciple someone else. Find out why and what he learned in the process.

My small group helped us fight

My small group helped us fight

After losing his wife and his oldest son to cancer within 5 years of each other, David Apple learned to lean on his small group for support, prayer and love.

Doing life together is the vessel God used to save me

Doing life together is the vessel God used to save me

After experiencing the care and acceptance of her small group family, Kate Webb became a believer in Christ and now has a passion to see others become healed as she was.

Christ carried me when I couldn’t go on

Christ carried me when I couldn’t go on

When Kathi Bryant’s marriage ended, her community group became the vessels that God used to help her through the hardest part of her life.

From an underground house church to community group

From an underground house church to community group

The Caberoys came to faith in Christ in an underground house church in the Middle East. When they moved to the US, they found a familiar environment in their community group at WCC.