What did it take for you to turn to God? Living in America, we are so blessed that we tend to focus on the blessings rather than the Blesser. Outwardly, we look like we have it all together. But on the inside, we’re a mess! Nice job, nice house, nice car… but on the inside… marital woes, family issues, in debt up to your ears… And where’s God in all this? Has God forgotten you? Or like Samson, have you forgotten God?

In Judges 16, God revealed much about Himself in answering Samson’s humble prayer for help. We can see how God reveals Himself to who humbly seek Him.



What to watch next...

Man-Made Religion

May 28, 2023 ·
Judges 17-18

Man-Made Morality

June 4, 2023 ·
Judges 19-21

Life Together

June 11, 2023 ·
Acts 2:42-47

Growing Up Together

June 18, 2023 ·
Ephesians 4:11-16