Be Sure

Do you have proof that you are a citizen of heaven? Do you have confidence that you are a citizen of God’s Kingdom? Many people struggle with doubts in this area. Wouldn’t you like to be sure? In the apostle John’s first letter, he told his hearers that they could have assurance of salvation by receiving and believing in Christ Jesus. We can be sure of our salvation by receiving and trusting in Christ Jesus.

Contribute to God’s Kingdom

In the book of Matthew, the mother of James and John asked Jesus for seats of authority for her sons on either side of Jesus. Jesus told her and all the disciples that following Him was not a call to be great in the way the world sees things. He said that the greatness they were called to was called servanthood. He told them to follow His example of service by being willing to contribute all that they had in serving God. Jesus gives us the same charge to be servants and contribute to His Kingdom. In today’s message we will see in God’s Word three commitments in order to contribute to His Kingdom.

Connect to God’s People

In the book of Romans the apostle Paul told the Roman Christians that even though they had followed Christ by an individual decision they must recognize that in following Him they had become one body, connected to other believers. When we follow Christ we must make an individual decision to follow, but that leads to a corporate identity. We become the body of Christ connected to every other believer.

Celebrate God’s Son

When is the last time you really celebrated? I mean you really cut loose and let joy wash over you? Or are you living a life of duty? Is your life marked by dryness and dread? The spark is gone and you’ve got nothing to look forward to? To be honest, you’re just going through the motions.

Did you know that love and joy and celebration are connected? And where you focus your heart, where you put your affection, your first love, affects everything. What do you love first? You can tell by what you put first. Who or what comes first in your life? What are you celebrating? What is so important to you that you’re throwing a party, blowing out candles, setting off fireworks for, standing on your feet cheering for it?

In this second message in our Spiritual DNA sermon series, Pastor Gary shows us how we can Celebrate God’s Son by loving him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.

Three Commitments That Lead to A Better Life

In the book of Mark, Jesus challenged the disciples with a simple commitment: “Follow me.” Jesus called them to a relationship with Him. He called them to be Jesus-followers. Of course, this meant leaving everything else behind. It was such a simple commitment, yet it led a radically better life. We can answer this same simple commitment to follow Jesus and experience the better life He promised.

The Upward Movement

When you think of prayer, what’s the first thought that comes to mind for you? For some the word is “Boring,” as they remember long-winded lists of prayer requests for Aunt Sally’s brother-in-law’s, neighbor’s dog. For others, the word is “Fear,” because you’ve never prayed aloud and don’t know how to pray. For the type A personality, the word is “Impatience,” because this person sees prayer as a duty to perform and quickly complete, so that they can get to the real work. Yet, for some people, prayer is the most powerful, intimate and wonderful activity in which a believer can engage. Jesus taught His disciples to begin their prayers by first seeking God’s face before looking for His hand.

Children: Leading Your Child to Christ

What do you want your child to be when they grow up? A brain surgeon, lawyer, professional musician or athlete? With the emphasis parents put on education and sports these days, it looks as if they’re hoping to raise the next American Idol or NFL star. What about being a Christ-follower? Do you want your child to believe in God and to trust Christ as their Lord and Savior? Can you think of anything more important that leading your child to Christ?

Singleness: Finding True Fulfillment

In this week’s sermon, Pastor Gary walks us through 1 Corinthians 7 and advice Paul gave the church at Corinth about singleness, marriage, and how both are a gift from God and both reflect the Gospel.

Conflict: Resolving Family Differences to Find Real Unity

Pastor Gary Combs continued the sermon series “Faith and Family,” with this message from Ephesians about resolving conflict and restoring unity. In Ephesians, the apostle Paul told them that they could turn conflict into unity and understanding through the power of Christ’s forgiveness and love. We can resolve the conflicts in our relationships and restore true unity and understanding through Christ’s power of love and forgiveness.